7/12/98 7:33:10 AM Sunrise behind us, Day 13.
7/12/98 7:46:40 AM Hawaii in front of us - moving along nicely
7/12/98 7:47:52 AM "How can I be sad when the whole ocean is waving at me?" - Steve, Day 3?
7/12/98 7:52:00 AM Star light, star bright - what IS that? A spotlight?
7/12/98 7:54:52 AM Most of these pictures are level. Mostly La Adriana wasn't!
7/12/98 7:56:38 AM Sunrise, South Pacific style...
7/12/98 8:00:12 AM
7/12/98 8:01:24 AM
7/12/98 8:01:44 AM
7/12/98 8:02:32 AM
7/12/98 8:03:34 AM
7/12/98 8:04:28 AM
7/12/98 8:05:08 AM
7/12/98 8:06:42 AM
7/12/98 8:17:58 AM Sun, sails, and me.
7/12/98 8:51:52 AM More sun, I think it's brighter down here.
7/12/98 8:53:14 AM It's waving at us again...
7/12/98 12:52:34 PM The forward head: nice view!
7/12/98 12:53:30 PM Now it's finally getting warm. Shellie and Don enjoy the Sun Abatement System. Dudley avoids abatement.
7/12/98 8:36:02 PM What's this? A booby on our boat? Yup. Watch your head, Jason.
7/12/98 8:43:26 PM Clouds, rain, shafts of sunlight. Ho hum. Just another day in paradise. Are we there yet?
7/12/98 8:44:30 PM Sam! Put a shirt on. You're scaring me. And get a haircut.
7/12/98 8:49:36 PM The instruments say the water is 76 degrees. Rock the boat, sam! We want to go wading!
7/12/98 8:50:38 PM Almost...almost...
7/12/98 8:51:06 PM Yes! We got it! Well, Dudley got it. Better luck next time, Don. You know, Don, you're a little shorter than the Commodore. Maybe if you scoot out a little more...
7/12/98 8:53:02 PM Oops - lost Don. Sorry, Terri
7/12/98 8:57:24 PM Monkey see, monkey do. Here come Jason and Steve. Woo woo!
7/12/98 8:57:50 PM All together now -1..2..3..Point!
7/12/98 8:58:34 PM Ho hum. Just another boring...
7/12/98 8:59:16 PM ...4..5..6 AAAaaah! Feels great. Hey, it's getting deep! Roll it back, Sam! Roll it back!
7/12/98 9:06:46 PM It's always time for boating with the Commodore!
7/12/98 9:18:06 PM Another day gone already? Hmmm - this looks a lot like a sunrise. Damn tropical clear air!
7/12/98 9:26:20 PM Yes, Jason, the booby is still up there. I told you to watch your head!
7/13/98 12:52:28 AM Actually, the booby fell off later that night. They're pretty dumb. It took him a half a dozen tries to even hit our excellent solar-powered landing strip.
7/13/98 1:16:40 AM He stayed with us through the night and left about the time we spotted land. Nice free ride for him. Maybe they're not that dumb? Nah.