7/5/98 11:18:12 AM "Forepeak, sweet forepeak" - Dudley sleeps after helping kill The Big Fish this morning.
7/5/98 11:18:36 AM "Rui, do you know where we are?"
7/5/98 11:19:00 AM "Off the Aleutian Islands, Rui? Are you sure?"
7/5/98 11:20:08 AM Sam drives. Shellie smiles. And the Captain has declared that "well-dressed crew no longer wear foulie bottoms!"
7/5/98 11:20:22 AM Sailing a sailboat on another sailboat. I think that makes La Adriana a ship for sure!
7/5/98 11:20:52 AM The Big Fish - a 52.5" mahi-mahi (note dents in skull from Dudley and the winch handle.) - we need a bigger fish table!
7/5/98 11:27:58 AM The Watch Schedule ("who am I supposed to wake up next?")
7/5/98 12:48:54 PM Shellie "Sparky" Taylor reaches out and touches Pt. Reyes weatherfax with computer #2 (Note white Rain Abatement Shield over SSB)
8/4/98 8:13:06 AM Stop laughing and pose for the picture!
8/4/98 8:13:24 AM Jason relieves... er, filters drinking water into the thermos - a frequent ritual.